Thursday, April 16, 2009

Greek Week Hits Towson

This Monday kicked off greek week, and has numerous events through out the week that in which roughly 1000 greeks participate. The week was kicked off with Greek Sing. 
Greek Sing is a sing/dance off between the different sororities and fraternities around the campus. Kappa Delta took first place for the sororities, and TKE took first place for the fraternities for the second year in a row. 
On Tuesday the dodgeball tournament was held in Burdick gym and the NPHC held a step show competition to benefit music programs in public schools. 
Wednesday was the volleyball tournament once again held in Burdick. ZTA won for the sororities and PSK won for the fraternities. 
There are still many more events happening through out the week, with a disaster drill on Friday, Greek Olympics on Saturday and the winner of Greek Week will be announced at the Lacrosse game versus Hopkins on Wednesday. 
Many people across campus are either involved in Greek Life or know someone who is, and people who aren't involved in Greek Life can and should come out to these events to show support for their friends and to have fun watching them in the different events. It may even get them interested in joining greek life themselves, which wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Concert for Sexual Awareness Month

Another great event happened in PAWS this tuesday, a Concert for Sexual Awareness Month. Two Towson bands LVT and Rhyme and Reason performed at the event, and there was also poetry read by several Towson students. 
This was a great event for a great cause. There was literature being handed out to make people more aware about sexual assault and what to do if you have experienced a form of sexual assault. This is great info to hand out, because many people do not know what to do in that kind of situation. 
As usual, not that many people attended the event or many people came in and out throughout the night, but it was still an awesome event regardless of the number of attendees. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Relay For Life= HUGE success!

Relay for Life was this past Friday night at the Towson Center. This was an amazing event, with over 500 participants and raised over $50,000. 
Relay for Life is a 12 hour walking event, where people raise money for the American Cancer Society, by pledging to walk for the night. There was also different activities going on throughout the night from limbo to pie an SGA member. 
This is a great event for the University, because it brings the University together for a good cause while having fun. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Rock 4 the Cure

On Tuesday night, TKE held a concert to benefit the St. Jude's Children Hospital in PAWS. They had four different local Towson University bands performing at the concert. They also had a date auction in between the different performers to auction off the brothers of TKE for a date. The bidding started at $10 and each brother came with a gift certificate to a local restaurant. 
This event was quite a success. They raised a lot of money for the St. Jude's Children Hospital and it was very well attended. Now this may be due to the number of people that are involved in greek life on campus, however it does go to show the involvement of greek life on the campus. If more organizations could reach out to the campus like the greeks do for events, then their events would be much more highly attended and would be an even greater success. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Karaoke for a Cure

Last Thursday, the LeaderShape Student Organization hosted a karaoke night in PAWS to benefit the American Cancer Society. It cost $1 per person per song and $5 to kick someone off stage. There was also a raffle for 2 movie passes and 2 tigerfest tickets. 
This was a really fun and a very well attended event. Many people even got up to sing twice or three times. I think that Towson should have more events like this, where people can come together have a good time and donate money to a good cause. Now Towson does have many events like this, but most of the time they aren't very well attended. Maybe having prizes and being able to make fun of your friends if they are making a fool of themselves on stage is an incentive that more organizations should try. That way, more people may attend and the event would be a success. 

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tiger Pride Day!

Towson's 10th annual Tiger Pride Day occurred last wednesday and it had a very good turnout this year. Tiger Pride Day is when Towson students travel down to Annapolis, to lobby the MD general assembly for the betterment of Towson University. This year Towson sent about 35 students down to Annapolis, and it was a fun yet learning experience. 
Students got to meet with the different delegates and tell them about all the great things that Towson is doing and what Towson wants to do. I was really impressed with the amount of students that came. Last year, there were about 13 students that attended, which is no where near enough to talk with every legislator, but this year there were enough students to go down and show the legislators that we do care about what is going on in Annapolis and how it will effect Towson University. Hopefully, even more students will attend next year, because the greater number of students that attend the greater the impact Towson will have on the MD general assembly. 

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Matt Nathanson Concert

   Matt Nathanson came to Towson on friday night, to help kick off valentine's day. The event was held in PAWS, and was a sold out show. However, I'm not sure what happened to all 400 people that were supposed to show up. 
   The concert was a sold out show, but it definitely was not that highly attended. There were probably 100-150 people present, and while this is a good amount, it did not break any fire codes. I was expecting the place to be packed, but unfortunately it wasn't. 
   Thankfully, the performance was very good. Danni Rosner was the opening act. She had a very good voice, and I would like to hear more of her songs. If you too would like to hear more, go to her website and check her out! 
    Matt Nathanson gave quite a good performance. Although he could have been a little more fun as an entertainer, however his singing was very good. 
    Next CAB is bringing David Cook to Towson, and tickets are on sale now so be sure to buy yours and look out for my post in April when he comes to Towson. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Involvement Fair

Last week, Towson hosted its spring involvment fair, and I'm not sure which was more confusing, the lack of students interested in joining an organization or the fair's Las Vegas theme. To cover the first confusion, when you talk to different studnets around campus, most of them will tell you that they want to better the university or want to make their college experience better. So wouldn't it make sense for those students to come ot the involvement fair and actually become involved in something that could better the university or their college experience? Apparently not. Now for the second confusion, concerning the Las Vegas theme. When I walked into the union, I was greeted by an Elvis impersonator, singing his heart out. This really confused me, because its not something that you see everyday on campus. When I found out the theme of the fair, I then understood why Elvis was there, but I don't understand why the fair needed a theme in the first place. But that will just have to remain a mystery. Hopefully, by the time that the next involvement fair rolls around, movre students wil; come to check it out and they will get rid of the theme, but one can only dream.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Super Bowl party!

The Super Bowl was this Sunday and whether you're happy with the Steelers win or not, (personally I'm not but oh well), many people had a great time at the Super Bowl Party in Paws. There was a buffet, meal deals, corn hole, a football pool, and of course the Super Bowl at the party. Also there were about 125 people in attendance. This was a great turnout, especially since we planned the event in 4 days. I would love to see and plan on having more events like this through out the semester. I would also love to see a turn out like that at all of the Towson events going on around campus. People work really hard on planning and putting together the different events, and it would be great if each event was as highly attended as the Super Bowl Party.