Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tiger Pride Day!

Towson's 10th annual Tiger Pride Day occurred last wednesday and it had a very good turnout this year. Tiger Pride Day is when Towson students travel down to Annapolis, to lobby the MD general assembly for the betterment of Towson University. This year Towson sent about 35 students down to Annapolis, and it was a fun yet learning experience. 
Students got to meet with the different delegates and tell them about all the great things that Towson is doing and what Towson wants to do. I was really impressed with the amount of students that came. Last year, there were about 13 students that attended, which is no where near enough to talk with every legislator, but this year there were enough students to go down and show the legislators that we do care about what is going on in Annapolis and how it will effect Towson University. Hopefully, even more students will attend next year, because the greater number of students that attend the greater the impact Towson will have on the MD general assembly. 


  1. I'm glad the students are doing something like this for the school.

  2. All of these students are performing a great service for the university.
